All hands on deck

Prepping my team at work for my time away in Japan took a lot of hard work from everyone involved. And there were a lot of people involved. Still, having successfully managed to make it happen makes me so happy. It did take me a few weeks to get fully back into the swing of …

Adrift (preface)

I’m so tired I can’t sleep. So my plan is to make myself more tired so that I hopefully can sleep. I’ve managed to eat some real food, take a walk, do some journaling and pick out a new book — with my eyes open, which really is a fantastic accomplishment. Now, I’m sitting downtown …


Fall is my season. Especially after this summer. I’m not sure there was a day in there where I was not profusely perspiring. It was bloody hot. Hello climate change. The world seems a bit less frantic in fall. Spring, everybody is hopeful and full of energy. Summer everyone is running around trying to get …

more miles to the road (7)

Humanity is the spice of life! But honestly, guys! Where did all the genuine human beans get to? I’d like to meet a few, carry on a real conversation, have some fun, be in the same room, for more than 20 minutes every few months. ~ I mean, all of this wonderful, terrible and everything-inbetween …

Good things (9)

fixed my work computer made a dent in the work faxes got work kudos ate good food played cello for hours slept for hours self-care IRL talked with mom saw the new lion king movie!!! sunday+monday = unremarkable + remarkably good feeling once more like a human being in the land of the living teamwork …

Conversations on the margins (1)

My sister Ruby and I were invited to participate in a leadership conference in Sudbury, Ontario during the last half of February. The decision on whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ had to be made in just 3 short days. And I’m glad I said ‘yes’. It was a fantastic experience. I was captivated the …

Decompression sessions

It takes as long as it takes. That has been the principle I have been following for the past several weeks. Some people aren’t happy about it (sometimes I’m included in that reference) but it is beginning to show results. As the wonderful magnet on my fridge states: Good things come to those who work their …