Some one/thing

I feel the same today as I did yesterday. Yesterday was a good day.

I have been feasting. I love food. I love everything. I feel like a broken record.

I thought yesterday of oil and vinegar. That’s how I feel, like oil and vinegar in a bottle (but inverted) so as to be mellow and rich on the bottom, and just ready to pack a powerful punch of flavour and tartness on top. My feet felt weighed down and my mind was still going at a good clip, thinking of dinner and the day and anything and everything in between. I’m so tired and so invigorated at the same time. Work has been incredibly busy. I’ve been doing a lot. Dance has been challenging.

I just, I can’t explain it. It can’t be got. And I don’t really want anything to change, honestly. I think this is who I am, who I want to be. Myself in every sense of the word. I feel whole 🙂


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